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About Myself

I grew up in a little township in surroundings of beach, hills and country and have lived on a Beach Front not far from Adelaide South Australia. I'm in my mid years now with a "young temperament" and interests making the most of life in every way.

When I encountered JESUS at the age of 20, I experienced a new found expression in my life and personality_ I could communicate quite freely, and had so much peace and joy in my heart. People noticed the change... one of vitality and friendliness........some of these were neighbors of different religions, and the JWs could not compete with this reality ......... they stopped coming to our door......... something I wished for as my mum was so tolerant. I had intentions to be a night club singer, but quickly saw through the negativity in those sheets of music when I experienced Jesus.

I have an avid interest in Nature, Flower-Art and Greeting Cards. I'm also the Owner and Creator of three other Web-Sites Due to the Graces of JESUS__ I have been gifted in a special way to make Web-Sites - without prior knowledge - I have a user friendly Site Builder with good Web-Hosting. This story is radically different from the one I started out with 6 years ago with an intense desire to make a Web-Site and my every effort to find somewhere to learn how to fell through. I placed this in His Care and everything comes naturally to me now without the need for tuition.

So The Lord can do wonders when He calls you to do something and often it starts with a strong desire or one that grows on you. Whoever said it has to be something you don't like? I think that's a religious mind-set anyway that can affect Christians in such a way that hinders the purpose of God in their lives....and those around sometimes.

Inspirational Web-Sites is very different to what I've been called to do previously. Actually, I was a part-time Independent Natural Health Researcher 25 years and I had a different spiritual gifting. So it's good not to limit or confine the Holy Spirit to one area or one type of calling. IT'S A NEW DAY and the Holy Spirit is doing NEW AND EXCITING THINGS! The Anointing (touch of God) does not belong to Pastors and Evangelists_ it belongs to the whosoever doing the whatsoever with His Blessing on it.

Wisdom of God

00:00 / 02:45

The gifting of Poems is completely new to me since March last year 2012, unexpectedly - just after I returned from a short 4 day holiday in the country (near the ocean) with my sister. I was reading a small book of poems by Helen Steiner Rice one night and expecting the fresh feel of country to wear off in a few days. There was a time of complete exhaustion that preceded that trip to the country. I had not read a book of poems before and they were so lovely, I wanted to make them last. I did not know where to find any more, and said to Jesus, "I expect You would know a way" I had such a strong desire to enjoy more by her. And in the morning, I woke up with a nice little poem on JOY.....and more followed, minutes apart. The best way I can describe this experience is that the Holy Spirit immersed me in Poetic language for 3 days and nights....and I commenced writing Poems on a constant basis. This occurs when I spend time in His Presence.....and He Inspires me. After a few days, I decided to start a new Web-Site and share this blessing with others. That was Inspirations for You, mentioned here on the Home Page. We are Blessed to be a Blessing. YES.

Blessings to ALL reading this!

My Christian Poems have a certain language - shall we say?

Every interest in life and relationship has a certain language, and with Jesus, it is no different - it is a personal relationship where you relate with Him intimately as if He were a spouse, a parent or best friend.

Visitors to this Web-Site

I don't have religious or church persuasions but I do like to be personally attune with Jesus and those who love Him. There is a difference between religious and spiritual. I wish to keep simplicity in my walk with Jesus avoiding complications added by man. As Christians often, I don't think we are as spiritually attune as Jesus would like us to be. Many are lacking true insight on what that means_ hearing endless sermons; church commitments; being attracted to certain preachers and 'music artists' fills the space that was meant for quality time in His Presence; receiving Revelations from His Word personally and walking in them. There are also vital Principles missing that add substance to our walk once we are aware of them. I cover some of these on my Web-Sites in an agreeable way that are pleasant to read.

On my Web-Sites, I like to highlight the LOVE, JOY and PEACE the Kingdom of God is supposed to be about....the Strength and the Liberty Jesus Rose to give us....while placing an emphasis on our Home in Heaven and the Second Coming of Christ our Savior. He intended for us to LOOK FORWARD to these PRECIOUS PROMISES He has given us.

''•.¸*♥♥♥* ¸.•''


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I am what you would call a Net Evangelist and Inspirational Artist.

I don't claim any titles: I am simply a channel and bearer of God's gifts

and Graces bringing Peace and Comfort, Gladness and Blessings

into the hearts and lives of those who are open. And I give credit to

the Holy Spirit for the way He inspires me with Poems and Writings

and choice of Pictures. Also, the gift of Website Creation.

It is all from Him. I had none of these abilities before or training

of any kind, just a love for Jesus and a calling for several years that

had a different expression before. 

Updated October 2014

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